Articles in Sports, Travel, Beauty and Style, Diet and Nutrition, Consulting Finance, Fitness and Auto

Showing 10 of 48 results
on December 3, 2021
The #1 Best Way to Avoid Weight Gain This Month, Says Dietitian
on December 3, 2021
Holiday seasons every year are always filled with splendid foods and festive celebrations. While you enjoy all the festivities and savour the togetherness during this season, it's important to be aware of healthy consumption and avoid weight gain. ... Read full article
on December 2, 2021
What Causes Those Vertical Black Lines on Nails? We Asked a Pro
on December 2, 2021
Have you ever taken off your nail polish, only to notice vertical black stripes running down the length of your fingernails? These might look like bruising or internal coloring - not like you just accidentally created an edgy nail-art trend.... Read full article
on November 26, 2021
5 Mistakes to Avoid When Making Your Next Salad
on November 26, 2021
"When I make a salad, I like to tell a story," Yehuda Sichel tells me recently, while we're sitting outside Huda, his new fast casual spot in Center City, Philadelphia.... Read full article
on November 26, 2021
Acne & Melanated Skin: A Derm Answers Your Most Pressing Questions
on November 26, 2021
There’s honestly nothing worse than executing what was bound to be a glowier-than-thou face beat only to find a ripening pimple brewing under the surface.... Read full article
on November 15, 2021
Chinese Lady’s Chat With A Malay Woman In Tamil Goes Viral!
on November 15, 2021
With a multi-racial and multi-cultural society, Malaysians tend to speak more than a few languages and dialects.... Read full article
by Janelle Yong on November 14, 2021
5 Simple Alterations To Your Diet To Help Prevent Diabetes
by Janelle Yong on November 14, 2021
Singapore has the second-highest proportion of diabetics in developed countries, with only the United States surpassing us. Fortunately, it is possible to lower your risk of developing diabetes by altering your diet.... Read full article
on October 28, 2021
This Is How Often You *Really* Need to Wash Your Face
on October 28, 2021
If you’re wondering if it’s better to wash your face once or twice a day, or if it’s bad to wash your face too many times, or just, like, how TF to wash your face the right way, you’ve come to the right place.... Read full article
on October 27, 2021
If You're Looking to Lose Weight, Is TikTok's Lemon Coffee the Answer?
on October 27, 2021
If you've seen the lemon coffee challenge all over TikTok where you squeeze fresh lemon juice (or lime) into black coffee, then you know people claim this trick has helped them flatten their stomachs and lose weight. ... Read full article
on October 26, 2021
If Your Knees Always Hurt When Running on a Treadmill, Follow This Expert Advice
on October 26, 2021
Running outside can be delightful when the conditions are perfect. But if you're trying to make running a daily habit, chances are you'll find yourself on the treadmill at some point. ... Read full article
on October 26, 2021
5 Things That Happen To Your Body When You Go Plant-Based
on October 26, 2021
Why go plant-based? A healthy, whole food plant-based diet is easier to digest for the body, and can help improve health and boost longevity.... Read full article
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