Articles in Fitness, Equipment, Food and Recipes and Volunteer Opportunities

Showing 10 of 15 results
on September 6, 2024
Moderation is key: You can have your ‘teh tarik’, ‘roti canai’ and eat it too
on September 6, 2024
In a world driven by food trends and diet fads, the love for traditional dishes like roti canai and teh tarik remains unwavering.... Read full article
on December 3, 2021
The #1 Best Way to Avoid Weight Gain This Month, Says Dietitian
on December 3, 2021
Holiday seasons every year are always filled with splendid foods and festive celebrations. While you enjoy all the festivities and savour the togetherness during this season, it's important to be aware of healthy consumption and avoid weight gain. ... Read full article
on November 26, 2021
5 Mistakes to Avoid When Making Your Next Salad
on November 26, 2021
"When I make a salad, I like to tell a story," Yehuda Sichel tells me recently, while we're sitting outside Huda, his new fast casual spot in Center City, Philadelphia.... Read full article
on October 26, 2021
If Your Knees Always Hurt When Running on a Treadmill, Follow This Expert Advice
on October 26, 2021
Running outside can be delightful when the conditions are perfect. But if you're trying to make running a daily habit, chances are you'll find yourself on the treadmill at some point. ... Read full article
on July 27, 2021
When you hit 40, there are so many reasons to celebrate: You're at the power years for your career, sex life, and confidence(don't believe us?ask Kate Hudson, Mindy Kaling, Claire Danes, Busy Phillips, and Brandy, who all recently celebrated the big)... Read full article
on January 16, 2021
Samsung Galaxy S21 series vs Galaxy S20 series: Should you upgrade?
on January 16, 2021
At the Galaxy Unpacked 2021 event yesterday, Samsung announced some really interesting products, including the Galaxy Buds Pro and the Galaxy SmartTag. But the spotlight was on the headlining act of the launch: the Samsung Galaxy S21 series.... Read full article
on January 16, 2021
Yoga And Meditation Found To Reduce Chronic Pain And Depression: Study
on January 16, 2021
If you’ve been experiencing chronic pain or find yourself frequently feeling down, it may be time to take up yoga. ... Read full article
on January 13, 2021
This Eating Habit Is Making Your Brain Age Faster, Study Says
on January 13, 2021
We've all been told that indulging in sugary, fried, and processed foods can derail progress when following a diet. But a new study emphasizes the serious health risks that come with this easy eating habit. ... Read full article
on January 8, 2021
High fibre diet 'may help to combat depression in pre-menopausal women'
on January 8, 2021
A diet high in fibre could help to combat depression in pre-menopausal women, a new study has suggested.... Read full article
on January 6, 2021
How to jumpstart healthy eating with a 7-day plant-based diet meal plan, prepared by a registered di
on January 6, 2021
Plant-based diets are becoming more popular as Americans seek to improve their health and eat more natural foods. In fact, a 2017 Nielsen survey found that 39% of Americans were actively trying to eat more plant-based foods. ... Read full article
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