Articles in Equipment, Diet and Nutrition, Personal Finance, Consulting Finance, Tourism, Fun, Life Style and Health

Showing 10 of 77 results
on December 10, 2021
The #1 Best Food to Crush Hunger Cravings and Lose Weight Fast
on December 10, 2021
As the new year approaches, it's officially time to start thinking about resolutions. Of course, a resolution can be anything, but if weight loss, exercise, or improving your diet are on your list, you're not alone.... Read full article
on December 9, 2021
Here's The Difference Between Rolled And Quick Oats
on December 9, 2021
There are so many names for the cereal grain that you might enjoy at breakfast from time to time. Steel-cut, rolled, instant, quick, old-fashioned oats?... Read full article
on November 26, 2021
5 Mistakes to Avoid When Making Your Next Salad
on November 26, 2021
"When I make a salad, I like to tell a story," Yehuda Sichel tells me recently, while we're sitting outside Huda, his new fast casual spot in Center City, Philadelphia.... Read full article
on November 26, 2021
This Is The Best Weight Loss Diet If You Have Diabetes, New Study Says
on November 26, 2021
If you or an adult you know wants to lose weight or stay at a current weight in order to help manage type 2 diabetes, incorporating a low energy diet might be the best option, according to a new study that was just published in Diabetologia. ... Read full article
on November 26, 2021
Sleeping This Way Can Lead to Depression, Study Shows
on November 26, 2021
"Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a common problem that affects a person's breathing during sleep, during which air cannot flow normally into the lungs," say the authors of one big sleep apnea study.... Read full article
on November 17, 2021
Four to six cups of coffee a day cuts dementia and stroke risk, says study
on November 17, 2021
Drinking four to six cups of coffee and tea each day cuts the risk of stroke by almost a third and that of dementia by a quarter, a study suggests.... Read full article
on November 16, 2021
Foods that can boost your immune system
on November 16, 2021
Want to fight off infectious diseases this winter? Consider boosting your immune system with nutritious food.... Read full article
on November 15, 2021
Chinese Lady’s Chat With A Malay Woman In Tamil Goes Viral!
on November 15, 2021
With a multi-racial and multi-cultural society, Malaysians tend to speak more than a few languages and dialects.... Read full article
on November 15, 2021
5 Ways To Add Good Fats Into Your Diet Without Blowing Your Budget
on November 15, 2021
Cutting calories usually means blowing your wallet on healthier foods. You want a trimmer body, not a slimmer wallet. ... Read full article
by Janelle Yong on November 14, 2021
5 Simple Alterations To Your Diet To Help Prevent Diabetes
by Janelle Yong on November 14, 2021
Singapore has the second-highest proportion of diabetics in developed countries, with only the United States surpassing us. Fortunately, it is possible to lower your risk of developing diabetes by altering your diet.... Read full article
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